Neck Pain: 5 most common causes and what to do about them.

You can’t sit comfortably, you have a headache, turning your head sends a lightening bolt of pain through your neck and shoulders, you are grumpy and tired and the discomfort is making a good night’s sleep impossible. 

Treating neck pain means finding the underlying cause. 

🖥Sitting at a poorly set up office space at home and hot-desking at work. 

🧹Spring cleaning and DIY jobs straining your neck as you cut hedges and hang curtains.

🥱Old or uncomfortable pillows not giving your head and neck the right support and alignment.

We understand that neck pain can be confusing so this guide gives a clear explanation about what causes neck pain and what you can do about them to stop you from worrying about making things worse. 

It gives you the tools you need to alleviate your sore and stiff neck, get a good night sleep and feel better every morning. 

* Common sites of referred pain that may be originating from your neck.
* Info if you are worried about a scan appointment or result.
* How to position yourself and your pillow for a restful nights sleep.
* What to expect when facing recovery from neck pain.

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What You'll Learn

Neck Pain can be really confusing and frustrating, we get it. We help lots of people with neck pain every day, it's one of the most common conditions we treat. We know how to stop you worrying about your neck pain and get you back to activity without fear of it returning again in the future. 


Why X-rays and Scans are not the answer


Why Rest and pain relief wont help you


What role your posture plays


How common neck pain is and why that is relevant 


How persistent neck pain CAN get better


Why the term 'slipped disc' infuriates me


What you can do to start helping your neck pain today


How our physio team can help even if you have had a poor previous experience with physio or another healthcare provider.

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If You’re Currently Living With Neck Pain, Here’s 8 More Reasons Why It Could Be Lasting Longer Than It Should:

Why else does neck pain last longer than it should do? 

There’s lots of people out there who are happy to dispense advice - but not all of it is credible.

If you don’t know what you’re doing - neck pain can be very confusing and because of this, many people just end up accepting it as ‘part of life’ - as if it’s normal, and ‘just the way it is’. 

Do You Feel That Way Too?


You thought it would go away on it’s own - but it didn’t


You went to the Doctor who told you to rest and take painkillers - but the pills did nothing to help your neck, and as soon as they wore off chronic neck pain struck again


A family member, or friend, told you that everybody gets neck pain as they get older, so you just accepted it


You tried other Healthcare Professionals, or a Physio in the past, but nothing they said or did seemed to help


You tried YouTube exercises but they either didn’t do anything, or made your neck pain ten times worse


You thought it would be a good idea to rest because your neck pain was so bad, but all that did was make it feel even more stiff and tight


Your too worried about making it worse and you're not confident in progressing your rehab safely


You don't fully understand why it's painful and don't have a plan to help so now it's been around so long you have just accepted "that's the way it is" and "maybe I just need to learn to live with it"